“It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best.” - “If you can’t describe what you are doing as a process, you don’t know what you’re doin” – Edward Deming

Process Mapping is a method for displaying processes that involves multiple transactions and activities. It generates visual representations of the work-flow of activities that needs to orchestrated within a full process in order to allow people unfamiliar with the process to understand the interaction of causes during the work-flow.

Adopting process maps and linked process mining allows to reduce risk by filling Information gaps. They insuflate better collective ownership by clarifying roles and responsibility and they are required for Trends Monitoring & harmonized Comparisons between contexts. Process Event Monitoring uses specific measures not only to understand how activities are connected but also to improve efficiency in terms of resources allocation and to identify potential bottlenecks in terms of delay.

What are the Intervention Events during cash interventions?

  • Outreached
  • Intake Registration
  • Post-Distribution Monitored
  • Assessed as Eligible
  • Assessed as Not Eligible
  • Appealed
  • Re-assessed
  • Enrolled / prioritized
  • Not-enrolled
  • Notified
  • Assisted

Process mining is based event log which need to include the case to which the event belongs, the activity the event refers to, the stage in the transactional life cycle, the life cycle classifier of the event log, the timestamp of the event, the resource used by the activity (This can be a staff - a budget or a contract service for instances & the order to handle sort events with equal timestamps

Understand Flows between activities

How cases have Flowed throughed the process?

What are the Sequence of Activities?

Check Efficiency of Resource allocation

How much Resource are involved by Activity?

How much resources have been used?

A handover-of-work network

Identify Bottlenecks in terms of Length & delays

Three different time metrics can be computed:

  • throughput time: the time between the very first event of the case and the very last- The throughput time is the time form the very first event to the last event of a case. The levels at which it can be computed are log, trace, or case.

  • processing time: the sum of the duration of all activity instances - The processing time can be computed at the levels log, trace, case, activity and resource-activity. It can only be calculated when there are both start and end timestamps available for activity instances.

  • idle time: the time when no activity instance is active - The idle time is the time that there is no activity in a case or for a resource. It can only be calculated when there are both start and end timestamps available for activity instances. It can be computed at the levels trace, resource, case and log, and using different time units.

What are is the average, shortest & longest path in the process?

Performance profile

What is the relative lenght of the full process?

A dotted chart is a graph in which each activity instance is displayed with a point. The x-axis referce to the time aspect -x: time difference since start case on x-axis, while the y-axis refers to cases, i.e. the ordering of the cases along the y-axis: by start, end, or duration, while the color displayshe activity type.

How much processing time is spread per activity?

How much processing time is spread per resource?

What is the Idle Time by Ressouce?