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Note that comparison is done for a selected language


fct_xlsform_compare(listfile, label_language, fileout = NULL)



list of full path to multiple xlsform files - ll assumed to be in the same folder. The first one will be used as the master to compare the other to


Language to be used in case you have more than one. If not specified, the 'default_language' in the 'settings' worksheet is used. If that is not specified and more than one language is in the XlsForm, the language that comes first within column order will be used.


if specified defined the full path name of the file to save the xlsform _compare output


a file


## With 2 files
check <- fct_xlsform_compare(
          listfile = c( system.file("demo.xlsx", package = "XlsFormUtil"),
                        system.file("demo_adapt1.xlsx", package = "XlsFormUtil") ), 
          label_language = NULL,
          fileout = NULL)
#> demo_adapt1

# variablescompare,
knitr::kable(utils::head([1]), 10))
#> |name             |type        |type.ifdiff.demo_adapt1 |list_name   |list_name.ifdiff.demo_adapt1 |label                                        |label.ifdiff.demo_adapt1 |hint                    |hint.ifdiff.demo_adapt1 |required |required.ifdiff.demo_adapt1 |relevant                                            |constraint.ifdiff.demo_adapt1 |constraint |relevant.ifdiff.demo_adapt1 |
#> |:----------------|:-----------|:-----------------------|:-----------|:----------------------------|:--------------------------------------------|:------------------------|:-----------------------|:-----------------------|:--------|:---------------------------|:---------------------------------------------------|:-----------------------------|:----------|:---------------------------|
#> |start            |start       |NA                      |NA          |NA                           |NA                                           |NA                       |NA                      |NA                      |NA       |NA                          |NA                                                  |NA                            |NA         |NA                          |
#> |end              |end         |NA                      |NA          |NA                           |NA                                           |NA                       |NA                      |NA                      |NA       |NA                          |NA                                                  |NA                            |NA         |NA                          |
#> |simserial        |simserial   |NA                      |NA          |NA                           |NA                                           |NA                       |NA                      |NA                      |NA       |NA                          |NA                                                  |NA                            |NA         |NA                          |
#> |deviceid         |deviceid    |NA                      |NA          |NA                           |NA                                           |NA                       |NA                      |NA                      |NA       |NA                          |NA                                                  |NA                            |NA         |NA                          |
#> |phonenumber      |phonenumber |NA                      |NA          |NA                           |NA                                           |NA                       |NA                      |NA                      |NA       |NA                          |NA                                                  |NA                            |NA         |NA                          |
#> |your_name        |text        |NA                      |NA          |NA                           |001b. Enter your name below. bla bla bla bla |NA                       |Please record your name |NA                      |true     |NA                          |NA                                                  |NA                            |NA         |NA                          |
#> |school_level_001 |select_one  |NA                      |school_list |NA                           |Whoa - does this question sync? 2            |NA                       |NA                      |NA                      |true     |NA                          |(${begin_interview}='yes') and (${available}='yes') |NA                            |NA         |NA                          |
#> |name_typed       |text        |NA                      |NA          |NA                           |001b. Enter your name below.                 |NA                       |Please record your name |NA                      |true     |NA                          |NA                                                  |NA                            |NA         |NA                          |
#> |today            |calculate   |NA                      |NA          |NA                           |NA                                           |NA                       |NA                      |NA                      |false    |NA                          |NA                                                  |NA                            |NA         |NA                          |
#> |this_country     |calculate   |NA                      |NA          |NA                           |NA                                           |NA                       |NA                      |NA                      |false    |NA                          |NA                                                  |NA                            |NA         |NA                          |
# choicescompare
knitr::kable(utils::head([2]), 10, 10))
#> |name      |list_name   |label          |label.ifdiff.demo_adapt1 |
#> |:---------|:-----------|:--------------|:------------------------|
#> |never     |school_list |Never attended |NA                       |
#> |never     |school_list |Never attended |Never Attended           |
#> |primary   |school_list |Primary        |NA                       |
#> |primary   |school_list |Primary        |Primary (1-8)            |
#> |secondary |school_list |Secondary      |NA                       |
#> |secondary |school_list |Secondary      |Secondary (9-12)         |
#> |tertiary  |school_list |Tertiary       |NA                       |
#> |-99       |school_list |No response    |NA                       |
#> |-99       |school_list |No response    |NA                       |
#> |never     |school_list |Never Attended |Never attended           |

## With 3 files
check <- fct_xlsform_compare(
          listfile = c( system.file("demo.xlsx", package = "XlsFormUtil"),
                        system.file("demo_adapt1.xlsx", package = "XlsFormUtil"),
                        system.file("demo_adapt2.xlsx", package = "XlsFormUtil") ), 
          label_language = NULL,
          fileout = NULL)
#> demo_adapt1
#> demo_adapt2