This is a Non-Core codelist.
A data frame with 13 rows and 6 variables:
double code
character name
character description
double category
character url
character status
knitr::kable(head(codeSectorVocabulary, 10))
#> | code|name |description |category |url |status |
#> |----:|:---------------------------------------------------------------------------|:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:--------|:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:------|
#> | 1|OECD DAC CRS Purpose Codes (5 digit) |The sector reported corresponds to an OECD DAC CRS 5-digit purpose code |NA | |active |
#> | 2|OECD DAC CRS Purpose Codes (3 digit) |The sector reported corresponds to an OECD DAC CRS 3-digit purpose code |NA | |active |
#> | 3|Classification of the Functions of Government (UN) |The sector reported corresponds to the UN Classification of the Functions of Government (CoFoG) |NA | |active |
#> | 4|Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community |The sector reported corresponds to the statistical classifications of economic activities in the European Community |NA | |active |
#> | 5|National Taxonomy for Exempt Entities (USA) |The sector reported corresponds to the National Taxonomy for Exempt Entities (NTEE) - USA |NA | |active |
#> | 6|AidData |The sector reported corresponds to AidData classifications |NA |NA |active |
#> | 7|SDG Goal |A value from the top-level list of UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) (e.g. ‘1’) |NA | |active |
#> | 8|SDG Target |A value from the second-level list of UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) (e.g. ‘1.1’) |NA | |active |
#> | 9|SDG Indicator |A value from the second-level list of UN sustainable development (SDG) indicators |NA | |active |
#> | 10|Humanitarian Global Clusters (Inter-Agency Standing Committee) |The sector reported corresponds to an Inter-Agency Standard Committee Humanitarian Global Cluster code |NA | |active |