Generate a summary powerpoint
- year
A numeric value or a vector of numeric value to filter on year. Note that data pre-2022 are using a different set of indicators
- ctr_name
A character vector corresponding to the name of the country.
- folder
folder within your project where to put the generated report. Folder will be created if it does not exist
## generate for one country
# iati::template_prez(year = 2022,
# ctr_name = "Brazil",
# folder = "dev/Prez")
# ## Generate for all operation specific region
# reg <- iati::dataActivity |>
# dplyr::select( unhcr_region) |>
# dplyr::filter(! |>
# dplyr::distinct() |>
# dplyr::pull()
# thisfolder <- "dev/SMR"
# for (region in reg) {
# cat(paste0( region, "\n"))
# # region <- "The Americas"
# countries <- iati::dataActivity |>
# dplyr::filter( unhcr_region == region) |>
# dplyr::select(ctr_name) |>
# dplyr::distinct() |>
# dplyr::pull()
# for ( ctr in countries) {
# cat(paste0("Generating for ", ctr, "\n"))
# iati::template_prez(year = 2022,
# ctr_name = ctr,
# folder = thisfolder)
# }
# }