Write in a file the variable requirement for each single indicator functions
The function is used to conveniently keep the mapping between the excel tables used to show variable requirements for each indicator calculation
It expects a specific table within the xlsform called Indicator_to_question
## Write in dev/mapper.R each of the function parameters - as recorded in system.file("IndicMap.xlsx", package = "IndicatorCalc")
xlsformpath <- system.file("RMS_CAPI_v2.xlsx", package = "IndicatorCalc")
RMS_CAPI_v2_mapper <- fct_build_requirement(xlsformpath )
#> /tmp/Rtmp5lKaNB/filec3b542dcd6
# openxlsx::write.xlsx(RMS_CAPI_v2_mapper, here::here("inst", "RMS_CAPI_v2_mapper.xlsx"))
xlsformpath <- system.file("RMS_CAPI_v3.xlsx", package = "IndicatorCalc")
RMS_CAPI_v3_mapper <- fct_build_requirement(xlsformpath )
#> Warning: Expected 2 pieces. Additional pieces discarded in 1 rows [376].
#> /tmp/Rtmp5lKaNB/filec3b5397692d2
# openxlsx::write.xlsx(RMS_CAPI_v3_mapper, here::here("inst", "RMS_CAPI_v3_mapper.xlsx"))
xlsformpath <- system.file("RMS_CATI_v0.xlsx", package = "IndicatorCalc")
RMS_CATI_v0_mapper <- fct_build_requirement(xlsformpath )
#> /tmp/Rtmp5lKaNB/filec3b57fd47cd8
# openxlsx::write.xlsx(RMS_CATI_v0_mapper, here::here("inst", "RMS_CATI_v0_mapper.xlsx"))
xlsformpath <- system.file("RMS_CATI_v3.xlsx", package = "IndicatorCalc")
RMS_CATI_v3_mapper <- fct_build_requirement(xlsformpath )
#> Warning: Expected 2 pieces. Additional pieces discarded in 1 rows [326].
#> /tmp/Rtmp5lKaNB/filec3b54498e417
# openxlsx::write.xlsx(RMS_CATI_v3_mapper, here::here("inst", "RMS_CATI_v3_mapper.xlsx"))