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This functions checks if the standard variables and modalities included in the mapper are actually present in the datalist with the same exact name - this is actually usually not the case as the standard format to save kobo dataset in xlsx includes group in the variable name. This function is used internally in each indicator function as an eror catcher before performing calculations...


fct_check_map(datalist, mapper)



A list with all hierarchical data frame for a survey data set. format is expected to match the Excel export synchronized from kobo to RILD and loaded with kobocruncher::kobo_data()


a list providing the mapping of the variables used for the calculation - this mapper is potentially to be adjusted in relation with deviation between the the standard XlsForm and the contextualized dataset


boolean flag TRUE or FALSE indicating if we can go forward for the indicator calculation


## below is the mapper to chck if we have the variables to calculate the 
# electricity subindicators within impact 2.2
mapper = list(
            hierarchy = "main",
            variablemap = data.frame(
              label = c(
"Does this household use anything for lighting?",
"What source of electricity is used most of the time in this household?"),
              variable = c("LIGHT01", 
                           "LIGHT03") ),
            modalitymap = data.frame(
              variable = c( "LIGHT01", 
                            "LIGHT03", "LIGHT03", "LIGHT03"),
              label = c( "yes",
          "No electricity in household", "Other, specify", "Don\'t know"),
              standard = c( "1",
                           "1", "96", "98")

## Correct format
data <- list(main = data.frame(
                LIGHT01 = c("1",  "1",  "0", "1",  "1",  "0", "1",  "1",  "1"),
                LIGHT03 = c("1", "96", "98", "1", "96", "98", "0", "96", "98"))
check <- fct_check_map(datalist = data, mapper = mapper )
#>  LIGHT01 
#>  LIGHT03 
#> [1] "TRUE"

## One variable is not correctly 
data <- list(main = data.frame(
                LIGHT01 = c("1",  "1",  "0", "1",  "1",  "0", "1",  "1",  "1"),
                LIGH03 = c("1", "96", "98", "1", "96", "98", "0", "96", "98"))
check <- fct_check_map(datalist = data, mapper = mapper )
#>  LIGHT01 
#>  LIGHT03 not found in the dataset.
#> [1] "FALSE"

## The first variable does not include a single 1...
data <- list(main = data.frame(
                LIGHT01 = c("0",  "0",  "0", "0",  "0",  "0", "0",  "0",  "0"),
                LIGHT03 = c("1", "96", "98", "1", "96", "98", "0", "96", "98"))
check <- fct_check_map(datalist = data, mapper = mapper )
#>  LIGHT01 misses responses options among : 1
#>  LIGHT03 
#> [1] "FALSE"