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Create a diff to identify the mapping between expected variables / modalities and what is has been configured in a specific xlsform. The function use a fuzzy matching process to identify the best and second best match process... It generates an excel file ready for manual review and that can be used as an input for the next function in the pipeline fct_build_map()

When you open the excel, filter for all match where the matching_index_best is different than 0

If you can confirm the match, manually set it to 0 so that the matching can be confirmed. If the matching is not the expected one you may take the second best match, and if correct, paste it and set the index to 0


fct_var_mapping(xlsformpath, IndicatorRequirementFile, mappingfile_out)



path to the xlsform


path to the file where the standard mapping is depending on form version


path to file to out the mapping


a list with the best mapping...


# Test the function
form <- system.file("RMS_CAPI_v2.xlsx", package = "IndicatorCalc")
IndicatorRequirementFile <- system.file("RMS_CAPI_v2_mapper.xlsx", package = "IndicatorCalc")
# Get the map to revise
mapper <- fct_var_mapping(xlsformpath = form,
                          IndicatorRequirementFile = IndicatorRequirementFile,
                       mappingfile_out = tempfile())
                         #      here::here("inst", "RMS_CAPI_v2_mapping.xlsx"))