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Proportion of Persons of Concern with an account at a bank or other financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider





A list with all hierarchical data frame for a survey data set. format is expected to match the Excel export synchronized from kobo to RILD and loaded with kobocruncher::kobo_data()


new calculated variable - appended or not...


This indicator measures the percentage of persons of concern (ages 15+) who report having an account (by themselves or together with someone else) at a bank or another type of financial institution or personally using a mobile money service in the past 12 months in the country of asylum or habitual residence (for returnees, countries of origin are included).

The methodology is taken from The Global Findex Database which is developed by the World Bank. This indicator is also linked to SGD Indicator 8.10.2.

Standard Questions

Numerator: Total population having a personal mobile or bank account

Denominator: Total population

Formula: BANK01=1 \| BANK02=1 \| BANK03=1 \|BANK05=1 This indicator comes from main dataset based on the respondent randomly selected for individual level include if the respondent has an account on their own/with someone else, ATM card, personal bank card or personally used phone to send money (proxy)


## data, cf example  fct_re_map()
datalist <- kobocruncher::kobo_data( system.file("dummy_RMS_CAPI_v2_mapped.xlsx", 
                                                 package = "IndicatorCalc"))
#> Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `_parent_index`.
## Apply indicator function on datalist
datalist <- outcome13_1(datalist )
#>  BANK01 
#>  BANK02 
#>  BANK03 
#>  BANK04 
#>  BANK05 

## Visualise value
fct_plot_indic_donut(indicator = datalist[["main"]]$outcome13_1,
                     iconunicode = "f140")