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Proportion of Persons of Concern covered by social protection floors/systems This indicator measures the proportion of persons of concern who receive government social protection benefits. Social protection is a set of policies and programmes aimed at preventing or protecting all people against poverty, vulnerability and social exclusion throughout their life-course, with particular emphasis on vulnerable groups. For persons of concern, being part of a social protection system is a measure of integration and stability. This indicator is linked to SGD indicator 1.3.1.

This indicator focuses on the social benefits received from the government in which UNHCR might be supporting UNHCR.

Standard Questions

Numerator: Total population covered by social protection floors/systems Denominator: Total population Formula: SPF01=1

This indicator is calculated from the main dataset If PoC has covered by at least one of the social protection floors/systems





A list with all hierarchical data frame for a survey data set. format is expected to match the Excel export synchronized from kobo to RILD and loaded with kobocruncher::kobo_data()


new calculated variable - appended or not...


## data, cf example  fct_re_map()
datalist <- kobocruncher::kobo_data( system.file("dummy_RMS_CAPI_v2_mapped.xlsx", 
                                                 package = "IndicatorCalc"))
#> Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `_parent_index`.
## Apply indicator function on datalist
datalist <- outcome16_2(datalist)
#>  SPF01a 
#>  SPF01b 
#>  SPF01c 
#>  SPF01d 
#>  SPF01e 
#>  SPF01f 
#>  SPF01g 
#>  SPF01h 

table( datalist[["main"]]$outcome16_2, useNA = "ifany")
#>    0    1 
#>   63 1437 
## Visualise value
fct_plot_indic_donut(indicator = datalist[["main"]]$outcome16_2,
                     iconunicode = "f140")