Crunching step

This data crunching report allows to quickly explore the results of the survey that can be regenerated as needed.

The objective of this report is to allow to quickly identify potential patterns in your dataset.

A quick screening of this initial report should allow to select the most meaningful graphs.

The crunching process produces a lot of visuals. Therefore it is key to carefully select the most relevant visual that will be presented for potential interpretation in the next step. A typical data interpretation session shall not last more than 2hours and include more than 60 visuals to look at in order to keep participants with a good focus level.

In order to guide this selection phase, the data crunching expert and report designer, in collaboration with the data analysis group, can use the following elements:

  • For numeric value, check the frequency distributions of each variable to average, deviation, including outliers and oddities

  • For categorical variables, check for unexpected values: any weird results based on common sense expectations

  • Use correlation analysis to check for potential contradictions in respondents answers to different questions for identified associations (chi-square)

  • Always, Check for missing data (NA) or “%of respondent who answered” that you cannot confidently explain

  • Check unanswered questions, that corresponds to unused skip logic in the questionnaire: For instance, did a person who was never displaced answer displacement-related questions? Were employment-related answers provided for a toddler?

When analyzing those representations in a collective setting during data interpretation sessions, you may:

  • Reflect: question data quality and/or make suggestions to adjust questions, identify additional cleaning steps;

  • Interpret: develop qualitative interpretations of data patterns;

  • Recommend: suggest recommendations in terms of programmatic adjustment;

  • Classify: define level of sensitivity for certain topics if required;

The report can be regenerated as needed by:
* adjusting the report configuration in the xlsform to break it into report and chapter;

  • configuring disaggregation & correlation for each question;

  • revising the data cleansing based on the cleaning log;

  • appending calculated indicators to your data frame to reshape variable - also called feature engineering.

Dataset description

Title of the study: Latin American Public Opinion Project

Abstract: Blablablablablabla

Rights & Disclaimer: Latin American Public Opinion Project

Country where the study took place: NA

Geographic Coverage for the study within the country: NA

Kind of Data: ssd

Number of records in the main data frame: 37505

Period of data collection: between NA and NA

Documented cleaning: Blablablablablabla

Entity being analyzed in the study: HousingUnit

Procedure, technique, or mode of inquiry used to attain the data: Interview.FaceToFace.CAPI

Study Universe: (i.e. group of persons or other elements that are the object of research and to which any analytic results refer: Refugee Survey in Country x

Civic and Political Engagement

Attendance at Meetings of Political Parties

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Requested Help from a Member of the Legislature

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Attendance at Meetings of Women’s Group

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Attendance at Meetings of Religious Organization

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Attendance at Meetings of Parent Association

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Attendance at Meetings for Community Improvements

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Participated in a Protest

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Identifies with a Political Party

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Voted in Last Presidential Election

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Vote Intention for President

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Potential Protection Risk

Likelihood of Death or Harm from Natural Disaster

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Asked to Pay Bribe to Process Document in Municipality

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Asked to Pay a Bribe to use Public Health Services

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Asked to Pay a Bribe at School

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Paying a Bribe is Justified

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Police Officer Asked for a Bribe

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Soldier Requested a Bribe

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Government Employee Asked for a Bribe

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Victim of Crime

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Victim of Crime in the Last 12 Months (Frequency)

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Courts Guarantee Fair Trial

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Basic Rights are Protected

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Level of Freedom of the Press Today

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Level of Freedom to Express Political Opinions without Fear

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.


Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Climate Change & Disaster Risk Reduction

Spend More to Enforce Building Codes

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Higher Priority for Protecting Environment or Promoting Economic Growth

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Seriousness of Climate Change

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.


Asked to Pay a Bribe at Work

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Asked to Pay a Bribe to the Courts

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Perception of Public Corruption among Public Officials

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Amount of Corruption among Politicians

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Crime, Insecurity, and Policy Preferences

Perception of Neighborhood Insecurity

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Confidence that Judiciary will Punish the Guilty

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Evaluation of Institutions, Political System and Other Persons

Most Important Problem

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Trust in Armed Forces

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Trust in the National Legislature

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Trust in National Police

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Respect for Political Institutions

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Trust in Catholic Church

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Trust in Evangelical/Protestant Church

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Trust in Political Parties

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Trust in Executive

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Trust in the Supreme Court of Justice

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Trust in Local Government

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Trust in the Media

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Pride in Political System

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Trust in Elections

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

People Should Support the Political System

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Leaders Are Interested in What People Think

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Understands Important Political Issues

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Interpersonal Trust

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Executive Job Approval

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Foreign Relations

Trustworthiness of Chinese Government

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Trustworthiness of US Government

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.


Children Suffer with Working Mothers

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Men Are Better Political Leaders than Women

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Men or Women: More Corrupt as Politicians

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Men or Women: Better Manager of Economy

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Abortion Justified

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Local Government

Police Response Time

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Attendance at Municipal Meeting

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Satisfaction with Roads

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Satisfaction with Public Schools

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Satisfaction with Public Medical and Health Services

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.


Receives Remittances

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Intends to Live or Work Abroad

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Political and Religious Orientation

Ideology (Left / Right)

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

No significant association found for this question…

Ideología (liberal / conservador)

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Attendance at Religious Services

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Importance of Religion

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Political Tolerance

Approval of Government Critics’ Right to Vote

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

No significant association found for this question…

Approval of Government Critics’ Right to Protest

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

No significant association found for this question…

Approval of Government Critics’ Right to Run for Office

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

No significant association found for this question…

Approval of Government Critics’ Right to Make Speeches

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

No significant association found for this question…

Approval of Homosexuals’ Right to Run for Office

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

No significant association found for this question…

Approval of Same-Sex Couples’ Right to Marry

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Political & Electoral Engagement

Knows Someone Offered Benefit for Vote (Last National Election)

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Offered Benefit for Vote (Last General Election)

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Frequency of Paying Attention to the News

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Frequency of Watching News

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Political Interest

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Socio-Demographic Characteristics


Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Beneficiary of Conditional Cash Transfer Program

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Years of Schooling

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

No significant association found for this question…


Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Mother Tongue

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.


Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Employment Status

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.


Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Monthly Household Income

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Marital Status

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Number of Children

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

No significant association found for this question…

Number of Children under 13 in Household

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Number of People in Household

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Television in Home

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Drinking water in Home

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Indoor Bathroom in Home

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Computer in Home

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Flat Panel TV in Home

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Internet Service in Home

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Refrigerator in Home

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Landline in Home

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Cellular Telephone in Home

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Number of Vehicles at the House

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Washing Machine in Home

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Microwave Oven in Home

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Owns Motorcycle

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.


Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Support for Democracy and Democratic Institutions

Democracy is Better than Any Other Form of Government

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Coup is Justified when Crime is High

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Coup is Justified when Corruption is High

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Executive Justified in Governing without Legislature

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Justified for the Executive to Dissolve the Supreme Court

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Satisfaction with Democracy

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question


Significant Associations (chi-square with p value < 5%)

Support for mano dura policies (1=iron fist, 2=broad participation)

Interpretation Hint: NA

Numeric question

Analysis of relationship

Support for democracy or dictatorship (1=either is OK, 2=democracy, 3=dictatorsh

Interpretation Hint: NA

Numeric question

Analysis of relationship

The Economy

Has Run Out of Food in Last 3 Months

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Has Gone without Meals in the Last 3 Months

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Perception of Personal Economic Situation

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Household Income Over Last Two Years

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Government Must Spend More Helping Poor

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Unfair for Rich to Pay High Taxes but Receive Few Services

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Okay for Rich to Pay High Taxes

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Most Unemployed Could Find Job if Wanted

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Government Should Reduce Income Inequality

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.

Evaluation of the Economy

Interpretation Hint: NA

Single choice question

No responses recorded for this question.