Basic features

Missing values

#> [1] 0.0978253
#> [1] 0.1002434
#> [1] 0.1083318
#> [1] 0.09347474

#> ctrycollect       vb101       exc14        vic2    vic1exta      vic2aa 
#>   1.0000000   0.9825289   0.9556672   0.8228871   0.8222319   0.8215768 
#>       exc11      vb4new        vb11    vicbar1f 
#>   0.7754968   0.7468880   0.7012448   0.6250273

The most common missing responses are for:

  • vb101: Reason for nullifying ballot (98.3%)
  • exc14: Paid a bribe at the courts (95.6%)
  • vic2: Type of victimization (82.3%)
  • vic2aa: Location of victimization (82.2%)
  • exc11: Bribe required to process document in municipal government (77.5%)
  • vb4new: Reason for not voting (74.7%)

In general, questions with many missing answers were requesting information about fairly unusual experiences. In all cases, 50% of questions have missing-answer rates of less than 1-2%.

Survey dates

For some reason, a single response in Guatemala was from 1/1/2012, while the rest are from the spring of 2014

#> [1] ""

Most people took 30-60 minutes to complete the survey.

Basic Demographics