#prepare_qa_data(activityInfoTable= "cdn6y40lm87wi522", activityInfoPlan ="caqxz3lrqv8wig3", activityInfoCountry="cwpgxrfllcr4wv66")
data <- prepare_qa_data(activityInfoTable= "cdn6y40lm87wi522")
data <- prepare_qa_data(activityInfoTable= "cdn6y40lm87wi522")
data <- prepare_qa_data(activityInfoTable= "cdn6y40lm87wi522")
Plan |
% of baselines available |
% of targets available |
% of 2023 actuals available |
Argentina MCO ABC |
70.8 |
100.0 |
72.3 |
Brazil ABC |
71.4 |
100.0 |
66.7 |
Canada ABC |
66.7 |
90.9 |
75.8 |
Colombia ABC |
81.6 |
92.0 |
71.3 |
Costa Rica ABC |
64.1 |
97.4 |
84.6 |
Ecuador ABC |
71.7 |
95.7 |
87.0 |
El Salvador ABC |
81.3 |
94.7 |
66.7 |
Guatemala ABC |
75.3 |
95.9 |
89.0 |
Honduras ABC |
81.5 |
100.0 |
70.7 |
Mexico ABC |
74.1 |
94.4 |
74.1 |
Panama MCO ABC |
69.0 |
95.2 |
92.9 |
Peru ABC |
69.4 |
100.0 |
88.9 |
United States MCO ABC |
55.6 |
96.3 |
74.1 |
Venezuela ABC |
88.1 |
100.0 |
39.3 |
Regional Average |
72.9 |
96.6 |
75.2 |
data <- prepare_qa_data(activityInfoTable= "cdn6y40lm87wi522")
thisind <- "OA2-2.1"
rbm_bullet(data, thisind)[["plot"]]
thisind <- "OA2-2.2"
rbm_bullet(data, thisind)[["plot"]]
data <- prepare_qa_data(activityInfoTable= "cdn6y40lm87wi522")
budget <- readxl::read_excel( system.file("4.6.1_Budget_Download.xlsx", package = "ProgQA"), skip = 1)|>
#budget <- readxl::read_excel( here::here("data-raw", "4.6.1_Budget_Download.xlsx"), skip = 1)|>
incountry_gap(data,budget, thisoperation_mco = "Brazil ABC" )
#> $plot
incountry_gap(data,budget, thisoperation_mco = "Colombia ABC" )
#> $plot
incountry_gap(data,budget, thisoperation_mco = "Mexico ABC" )
#> $plot
data <- prepare_qa_data(activityInfoTable= "cdn6y40lm87wi522")
knitr::kable(data |>
dplyr::filter(means_verification_results_level == "Outcome" ) |>
dplyr::arrange( means_verification_indicator_code) |>
dplyr::select( means_verification_outcome_area,
means_verification_indicator) |>
means_verification_outcome_area | means_verification_indicator |
OA1: Access/Doc | 1.1 Proportion of refugees and asylum seekers registered on an individual basis. |
OA1: Access/Doc | 1.2 Proportion of children under 5 years of age whose births have been registered with a civil authority. [SDG 16.9.1 - Tier 1] |
OA1: Access/Doc | 1.3 Proportion of PoC with legally recognized identity documents or credentials [GCR 4.2.2]. |
OA2: Status | 2.1 Average processing time (in days) from registration to first instance asylum decision (disaggregated by individual and group procedures). |
OA2: Status | 2.2 Proportion of individuals undergoing asylum procedures who have access to legal advice or representation. |
OA2: Status | 2.3 Proportion of individuals undergoing asylum procedures who have access to an effective appeal mechanism after first instance rejection of their claim. |
OA3: Policy/Law | 3.1 Extent national legal framework is in line with the 1951 Convention and/or its 1967 Protocol. |
OA3: Policy/Law | 3.2 Extent national legal framework is in line with the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness. |
OA4: GBV | 4.1 Proportion of PoC who know where to access available GBV services |
OA4: GBV | 4.2 Proportion of POCs who do not accept violence against women. |
OA4: GBV | 4.3 Proportion of survivors who are satisfied with SGBV case management services. |
OA5: Children | 5.1 Proportion of children at heightened risk who are supported by a Best Interests Procedure. |
OA5: Children | 5.2 Proportion of children who participate in community-based child protection programmes |
OA5: Children | 5.3 Proportion of unaccompanied and separated children who are in an appropriate alternative care arrangement |
OA6: Justice | 6.1 Number of PoC arrested or detained related to immigration control or legal status |
OA7: Community | 7.1 Extent participation of displaced and stateless people across programme phases is supported |
OA7: Community | 7.2 Proportion of PoC who have access to effective feedback and response mechanisms. |
OA7: Community | 7.3 Proportion (and number) of active female participants on leadership/management structures. |
OA8: Well-being | 8.1 Proportion of PoC in need that receive cash transfers or in-kind assistance. |
OA8: Well-being | 8.2 Proportion of PoC with primary reliance on clean (cooking) fuels and technology [SDG 7.1.2 Tier 1] |
OA9: Housing | 9.1 Proportion of PoCs living in habitable and affordable housing. |
OA9: Housing | 9.2 Proportion of PoC that have energy to ensure lighting (close to Sphere). |
OA10: Health | 10.1 Proportion of children aged 9 months to five years who have received measles vaccination. |
OA10: Health | 10.2. Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel. [SDG 3.1.2 Tier 1] |
OA11: Education | 11.1 Proportion of PoC enrolled in tertiary and higher education. |
OA11: Education | 11.2 Proportion of PoC enrolled in the national education system. [GCR 2.2.1] |
OA12: WASH | 12.1 Proportion of PoC using at least basic drinking water services [linked to SDG 6.1.1]. |
OA12: WASH | 12.2 Proportion of PoC with access to a safe household toilet [linked to SDG 6.2.1]. |
OA13: Livelihood | 13.1. Proportion of PoC with an account at a bank or other financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider [SDG 8.10.2 Tier 1]. |
OA13: Livelihood | 13.2. Proportion of PoC who self-report positive changes in their income compared to previous year. |
OA13: Livelihood | 13.3 Proportion of PoC (working age) who are unemployed. |
OA14: Return | 14.1 Proportion of returnees with legally recognized identity documents or credentials [GCR 4.2.2]. |
OA15: Resettle | 15.1 Number of refugees submitted by UNHCR for resettlement. |
OA15: Resettle | 15.2 Average processing time from resettlement submission to departure under normal priority. |
OA15: Resettle | 15.3 Number of PoC admitted through complementary pathways from the host country. |
OA16: Integrate | 16.1. Proportion of PoC with secure tenure rights and/or property rights to housing and/or land [revised SDG indicator 1.4.2]. |
OA16: Integrate | 16.2. Proportion of PoC covered by social protection floors/systems [SDG 1.3.1]. |
## budget data to be downloaded and save locally
budget <- readxl::read_excel( system.file("4.6.1_Budget_Download.xlsx", package = "ProgQA"), skip = 1)|>
#budget <- readxl::read_excel( here::here("data-raw", "4.6.1_Budget_Download.xlsx"), skip = 1)|>
thisind = "1.1 Proportion of refugees and asylum seekers registered on an individual basis.",
thisoutcome = "OA1: Access/Doc")
result_resource(data, budget,
poptype = "Refugees and Asylum-seekers",
thisind = "13.3 Proportion of PoC (working age) who are unemployed.", thisoutcome = "OA13: Livelihood")
# ProgQA::report_qa(year = 2023, activityInfoTable= "cdn6y40lm87wi522", folder = "dev/report")
# ProgQA::report_qa_light(year = 2023, activityInfoTable= "cdn6y40lm87wi522", folder = "dev/report")